Ekonomia personalistyczna jako próba integracji etyki i ekonomii na gruncie idei osoby
https://doi.org/10.18778/1899-2226.19.3.05Słowa kluczowe:
personalist economics, ethics, economicsAbstrakt
The aim of the paper is an attempt to show that the personalist economy – by referring to the idea of a person, containing and expressing all the dimensions of being human in relation to the world of people and things – provides the ability to integrate issues of ethics and economics. To achieve this goal, first, the concept of personalist economics will be presented. Then, ideas common for economics and the ethics of space, which can be a basis for integrating their issues, will be identified and characterized. Finally, the author tries to present the consequences which may result from such an integration, both for the economy as a science and as a practice of everyday life.Bibliografia
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