Teaching of communication competences in medical sciences in the mono – and multicultural academic environment


  • Agnieszka Pawlak Uniwersytet Medyczny w Łodzi, Zakład Socjologii
  • Magdalena Wieczorkowska Uniwersytet Medyczny w Łodzi, Zakład Socjologii




communication competences, multiculturalism, medicine, students, teaching


Effective communication between physicians and patients is key factor influencing patient`s diagnosing and treatment. Scientific evidence confirms positive impact of good communication on the patients` condition. In contemporary medicine a key element of medical communication proccess is communication with the patient`s family. Acquiring of soft competences including communication is equally important of medical education as the knowledge of the body structure and its functioning. This article highlights the role of communication competences and depicts difficulties in teaching of them in the mono – and multicultural students environment on the example of the medical directions for Polish and foreign students of the Medical University of Łódź. The comparative analysis has revealed that part of the problems are universal annd general, but there are differences strongly determined by cultural factors influencing on difficulties in teaching soft competences (including communication ones) in the multicultural environment.


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How to Cite

Pawlak, A., & Wieczorkowska, M. (2019). Teaching of communication competences in medical sciences in the mono – and multicultural academic environment. Władza Sądzenia, (16), 28–49. https://doi.org/10.18778/2300-1690.16.03




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