Emotionality and Rationality of Participants in Women’s Civic Protests in Poland (the Case of the Greater Poland Voivodeship)


  • Witold Wrzesień Wydział Socjologii UAM
  • Magdalena Ziółkowska Wydział Socjologii UAM




Civic protest, emotionality, rationality, liminality, COVID-19 pandemic


After 22 October 2020, when the Constitutional Tribunal of the Republic of Poland announced the judgment on the protection of foetuses and grounds for permitting the termination of pregnancy, a vast wave of civic protests swept through Poland. During these protests, new spaces for expression of discontent and resistance that were previously absent during protests against the tightening of abortion laws emerged. Their innovation was largely based on creating boundary areas with their liminality clearly beyond the sub-world of protests. Relations between the emotionality and rationality of the protestors’ actions played a unique role in this process. This text is an attempt to diagnose the tendencies signalled above.


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How to Cite

Wrzesień, W., & Ziółkowska, M. (2022). Emotionality and Rationality of Participants in Women’s Civic Protests in Poland (the Case of the Greater Poland Voivodeship). Władza Sądzenia, (22), 206–225. https://doi.org/10.18778/2300-1690.22-07


