The current state and perspectives of recreational development, on the example of selected “Łódź mountains”
recreation, green areas and hills in Łódź, parks in Łódź, recreational infrastructure, hills developementAbstract
The purpose of the article was to determine what are the possibilities of utilisation hills in Łódź for recreation, taking into account the current state of their development. To evaluate the state of current infrastructure and to estimate the possibilities of developement of the hills, authors carried out inventory of the hills. The authors additionally conducted surveys among students of tourism and recreation of the University of Lodz to determine their knowledge about Łódź’s hills. After the research and analysis of the literature, the authors agreed that recreational development of green areas, especially the hills in Łódź, is insufficient. Most often, the hills are frequented by residents of the nearest and neighboring housing estates. The reason for not using hills for recreational purposes is related to insufficient infrastructure and ignorance of residents about such places to rest.
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