Theatre Reviews


  • Peter Billingham University of Winchester, UK
  • Stephanie Mercier University of Helsinki, Finland
  • Lisa Hopkins Sheffield Hallam University, UK



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Biogramy autorów

Peter Billingham - University of Winchester, UK

Peter Billingham is a teacher, researcher, author and playwright. He is Emeritus Professor of Modern Drama and Performance at the University of Winchester, UK. His most recent monograph is Edward Bond: a Critical Study (Palgrave-Macmillan, 2014) and his At the Sharp End – Five Contemporary British Dramatists (Methuen, 2008) was nominated for the 2008 Theatre Book Award. He is currently co-editing and contributing to the edited collection of essays Birdsong before Dawn: Peacebuilding, Politics and the Arts, which will be published by Cambridge Scholars Publishing. Peter is an award-winning playwright and his play The Likeness is to be given a London production in early 2020.

Stephanie Mercier - University of Helsinki, Finland

Stephanie Mercier has a B. A. Honours in French and Economics (Bangor University, Wales), a Master’s Degree in English (Poitiers University, France) and a PhD in Arts and Humanities (Helsinki University, Finland). She teaches English at secondary and university levels in France, including classes for English applied to translation, theatre and cinema. She has given papers on Shakespeare in France and internationally, reviewed plays for Reviewing Shakespeare, L’Oeil du Spectateur, Les Cahiers Élisabéthains and published articles on Shakespeare in Les Cahiers Forell, Shakespeare en Devenir, works edited by the Presses Universitaires de Rennes, the Oxford University Press on-line journal, English and in the Sorbonne-Nouvelle on-line journal InMedia.

Lisa Hopkins - Sheffield Hallam University, UK

Lisa Hopkins is Professor of English at Sheffield Hallam University and co-edits Shakespeare (the journal of the British Shakespeare Association), Marlowe Studies and Arden Early Modern Drama Guides. She writes mainly on Shakespeare, Marlowe and Ford, but has also published on crime fiction and literature on screen. She is currently working on two books, Burial Plots: Detective Fiction and the British Past and Early Modern Drama and the Edge of Christendom.



Jak cytować

Billingham, P., Mercier, S., & Hopkins, L. (2019). Theatre Reviews. Multicultural Shakespeare: Translation, Appropriation and Performance, 20(35), 173–182.