Afterword: Posthumanism—Past, Present and Future


  • Joseph Campana Rice University, USA



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Joseph Campana - Rice University, USA

Joseph Campana is a poet, arts critic, and scholar of Renaissance literature. His research considers both the longer histories of energy, ecology, waste, and biodiversity, as well as more recent engagements across arts and media with environmental questions. He is the author of The Pain of Reformation: Spenser, Vulnerability, and the Ethics of Masculinity (Fordham UP, 2012) and dozens of peer-reviewed essays, the co-editor of Renaissance Posthumanism, and the author of three collections of poetry. He serves as William Shakespeare Professor of English at Rice University where he edits, 1500-1649 of SEL: Studies in English Literature, 1500-1900, and is the director of the Center for Environmental Studies.


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Hassan, Ihab. “Prometheus as Performer: Toward a Posthumanist Culture?” The Georgia Review 31.4 (1977): 830-850
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Jak cytować

Campana, J. (2021). Afterword: Posthumanism—Past, Present and Future. Multicultural Shakespeare: Translation, Appropriation and Performance, 24(39), 191–196.