Integration around regional development goals. Discourse concerning the European Social Fund utilisation in Opolskie region


  • Robert Wieczorek Silesian Institute, Opole, Poland



regional development, European Social Found, Discourse Analysis, Opolskie Voivodeship


The article presents an analysis of the discourse of the European Social Found (ESF) component in Regional Operating Programme of Opolskie Voivodeship present in regional media. The paper shows multilevel institutional conditions for the regional ESF discourse that concerns the integration around regional development goals. Next, it includes an analysis of the EFS discourse in regional media. The comparison of regulations and regional media discourse shows important discrepancies between them, which becomes an argument for considering regional media discourse on ESF as somewhat independent from institutional regulations. The article also shows that the integration around regional development goals is not the main focal point in it and is not realised precisely in according to the external regulations.


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How to Cite

Wieczorek, R. (2019). Integration around regional development goals. Discourse concerning the European Social Fund utilisation in Opolskie region. Studies in Political and Historical Geography, 8, 183–206.