On the need for research on visual perception of rural cultural landscape


  • Maria Wieruszewska Polska Akademia Nauk, Instytut Rozwoju Wsi i Rolnictwa, ul. Nowy Świat 72, 00-330 Warszawa




cultural turn, iconic turn, spatial turn, rural community, values


The article presents the argumentation for the issue of the rural cultural landscape in visual perception. The Author conducts her reflection in the light of three turns, namely: cultural, iconic and the spatial one. She stressed that the degraded rural environment as well as demolished cultural landscape is the proof of erroneous theoretical and methodological assumption of research. She points the wrong patterns of spatial planning as consequences of the lack of humanistic view in disciplines dealing with space. The critical reflection against the lack of such values as: love of home and localities, tradition, respect for space in historical and geographical aspects is the main axis of the author’s narration. The more humanistic approach is badly needed to implement the requirement of geography with “human face”. According to Author, who has shared the Roger Scruton’s opinion, the protection of the rural cultural landscape requires the strong appreciation the conservative values of culture, rather than “progressive” ones. At the end of the text she argue the tendency – observed among some young researchers – to diminish the role of sight in human experience because of his affiliation to the West. She tried to challenge the “culture of rejection” (of sight) as the important factor of human – sensitive and intellectual – experience helping against the demolition and annihilation of polish villages.


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How to Cite

Wieruszewska, M. (2018). On the need for research on visual perception of rural cultural landscape. Studies in Political and Historical Geography, 7, 11–24. https://doi.org/10.18778/2300-0562.07.01