Spatial development and morphological transformations of districts arisen around former peasant villages. The case study of the Wrocław city
morphological transformations, spatial development of the city, urban morphology, peasant villages, WrocławAbstract
Between the years 1928 and 1973, three towns (Brochów, Leśnica, Psie Pole) and over 50 villages were incorporated into the borders of Wrocław city. It resulted in the growth of the administrative area of the city from 49.2 to 292.8 km2. Amongst the settlements incorporated into the city borders, it is possible to recognize the vegetable, peasant and farm villages. In most cases, former villages became genetic cores, around which current districts of the city were developed. Due to the diversified dynamics and the complex character of morphological transformations, the peasant villages deserve particular attention. An analysis of the spatial development and the main tendencies of morphological transformations of settlements developed around the peasant villages is the main purpose of this article. The majority of peasant villages are located in the western and southern parts of the city. Villages taken into account in the analysis differ in the progress of development processes, morphological diversification of settlements developed around former villages and in the transformations of the habitat of the village (from fully preserved forms to the forms with partly or entirely changed farm buildings). In the case of peasant villages, the morphological transformations have a different scale, from the phase of the minimal transformations (e.g. Jerzmanowo), to the phase where the initial form of the village is becoming blurred and the inter-urban “conglomerate” is developing (Ołtaszyn – Wojszyce).
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