Rebirth of the Orthodox Church in the Lemko Region after 1956 as a part of the multicultural region


  • Stefan Dudra Instytut Politologii, Wydział Humanistyczny, Uniwersytet Zielonogórski, 65-762 Zielona Góra, al. Wojska Polskiego 69 image/svg+xml



Lemkos, Lemko religious minorities, Orthodoxy


As a result of the post-war resettlement (1944–1946) to the areas of the Ukrainian SSR , then to the so-called recovered territories, as part of the „Vistula Action” (1947), the area of Orthodox Lemkos’ religious life ceased to exist. Most historic temples with their equipment were destroyed. The Orthodox property was plundered. The process of restoration of the Orthodox parish network began after 1956. Its result was the establishment of Rzeszów Deanery already in 1959. The revival of the parish structures encountered numerous difficulties. Among the most important should be mentioned unfavorable position of local religious authorities, poor conditions of the temples, the lack of clergy. However, by the end of the 60s it had been possible to create a network of parish temples, which in general satisfied the religious needs of the faithful. The key moment for the development and stabilization of the religious life was the erection of Przemysl – Nowy Sacz Diocese in 1983. Following the democratic changes taking place in Poland after 1989, Orthodox Church began a new period in its operations. In addition to the integration, because of the emerging opportunities, in a wider range it could fulfill its culture-creating role and become an important element of the multicultural region.


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How to Cite

Dudra, S. (2014). Rebirth of the Orthodox Church in the Lemko Region after 1956 as a part of the multicultural region. Studies in Political and Historical Geography, 3, 307–320.