Historico-political landscape of separatist Catalonia


  • Zofia Kozłowska-Socha Instytut Cervantesa, 00-511 Warszawa, ul. Nowogrodzka 22 image/svg+xml




separatism, independence, Catalonia, Spain, history of Catalonia


This paper presents the political and cultural spectrum and an outline of the history of Catalonia. The work covers the period from the eighth century to the present times, highlighting 300 years of continuous efforts from part of Catalan citizens to become an independent state. The second part is mostly focused on explaining the modern nationalist movement by sketching its political and social stage out. It also contains cultural implications and the outcome of the recent referendum. The aim of the study was to present the roots and causes of the development of a separatist movement in Catalonia to help better understand the separatist processes that are currently intensifying worldwide.

Catalan nationalist always stress that their way to achieve the goal is the way of peace. It is interesting to see how involved the people are and how many creative social movements exist on the territory of Catalonia that are fighting for, what they call, their land in peaceful and legal way.


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How to Cite

Kozłowska-Socha, Z. (2014). Historico-political landscape of separatist Catalonia. Studies in Political and Historical Geography, 3, 181–205. https://doi.org/10.18778/2300-0562.03.09