Historical regions and administrative divisions of the Romanian lands
administrative divisions, historical regions, regionalization, NUTS, RomaniaAbstract
The work is a continuation of (Wendt 2004) attempts to present changes in the administrative division of the Romanian lands. Efforts were made to take into account and indicate the influence of geographical conditions, especially orographic and the river system, shaping of boundaries/natural barriers both within the country and outside its borders-starting from the geographical regionalization through arrangement of the historical regions of the Romanian territories and showing the first rise in the country's administrative boundaries. Also the role of geopolitical factors, among which the development of the borders of Romania and its historical regions and the greatest administrative impact, were three wars in the Balkans in the years 1913–1945 and the change of the Bessarabia, and Transylvania territory inhabited by the Hungarian population. It also presented proposals for changes in the contemporary administrative divisions and the creation of new regions. On the one hand, they take into account the EU's legal standards, placed Romania in the accession process and the EU membership. On the other hand, proposals for new administrative divisions include regional traditions and historical factors shaping the Romanian regions.
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