The boundaries of the Nazi concentration and extermination camps in occupied Poland


  • Łukasz Węgrzyn Katedra Geografii Politycznej i Studiów Regionalnych, Wydział Nauk Geograficznych, Uniwersytet Łódzki, 90-142 Łódź, ul. Kopcińskiego 31 image/svg+xml



concentration camps, death camps, boundary, morphology


On occupied Polish territory during the Second World War, the Nazis established two special types of camps: concentration (Konzentrationslager Auschwitz-Birkenau, KL Lublin, KL Plaszow), and extermination camps (SS-Sonderkommando Kulmhof, the Sonderkommando Belzec der Waffen-SS, SS-Sonderkommando Treblinka, SS-Sonderkommando Sobibor). Each of them covered a closed area, whose boundaries were determined in the form of a specific line or point objects. Internal borders (the zones separating inner camp), direct (right border) and external one can be distinguished morphologically. Direct boundaries of the camps were varied: from a single fence to multiple lines of barbed wire and watchtowers. The least developed border had Kulmhof, while the most developed border zone isolation system developed in Auschwitz-Birkenau.


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How to Cite

Węgrzyn, Łukasz. (2015). The boundaries of the Nazi concentration and extermination camps in occupied Poland. Studies in Political and Historical Geography, 4, 277–290.