The role of the Vistula River as a border on the background of historical divisions of Poland and its importance in the current administrative division


  • Łukasz Twardowski Katedra Geografii Politycznej i Studiów Regionalnych, Wydział Nauk Geograficznych, Uniwersytet Łódzki, 90-142 Łódź, ul. Kopcińskiego 31 image/svg+xml



borders on the rivers, the Vistula, administrative divisions


This work concerns the importance of the Vistula as a border borrowed from nature in historical and current divisions of Poland. Forms of this division have changed over the centuries several times. The first form of spatial government was the so-called neighboring communities – opola. In the Middle Ages there were new forms of organization of space such as a province and castellany. In the following centuries these forms changed and evolved. There were counties, municipalities and provinces. The period of the partitions of Poland, as well as two world wars brought changes to the internal division of the country, imposed by the invader administration. Political boundaries were repeatedly changed too. In many of these divisions, the Vistula River served as a natural basis for the designation of a border. It should be noted, that there are places where the border is more than five hundred years old. The current administrative landscape of Poland is a result of government reforms in 1999, which established a three-tier division of the country. The role of the Vistula as a border in this division is also clearly visible.


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How to Cite

Twardowski, Łukasz. (2015). The role of the Vistula River as a border on the background of historical divisions of Poland and its importance in the current administrative division. Studies in Political and Historical Geography, 4, 221–252.