Съвместна употреба на кирилица и латиница в български текст –защо и кога
https://doi.org/10.18778/2544-1795.02.22Słowa kluczowe:
Latin as an international alphabet, bilingualism, code-switching and codeblending, digraphia, transliteration of the Bulgarian letters with Latin onesAbstrakt
The author investigates in which cases the joint use of Cyrillic and Latin is used in Bulgarian text and for what purpose: definition, determination, citation, operative language, code-switching and code-blending, use as a stylistic tool and parallel bilingual text. The nature of these uses is described and the extent to which they are manifestations of phenomena such as bilingualism and digraphia. The general conclusion is that the joint use of Latin and Cyrillic is the result of the expansion of bilingualism with English. More and more Bulgarian citizens have an extended field of use of variants of two languages and two graphical systems. Secondly, the application of the Latin alphabet is a step towards the universal language of the image, since its graphic image acts as a visual symbol of pragmatic knowledge.
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