Концепт «свобода» в современной русской лирике
https://doi.org/10.18778/1427-9681.07.20Ключевые слова:
concept, freedom, contemporary Russian poetryАннотация
The article surveys the concepts of ‘freedom’ (svoboda) in contemporary Russian poetry and points out that there is no single understanding of it but a whole complex of approaches. While the concept of svoboda seems to have been absorbed by the bigger and therefore less concrete one, volya, a certain evolution of the former notion can be observed as well. At the beginning of the 20th century ‘freedom’ was associated with a heroic attitude, during the Thaw it became a term for a collective domestic separation, after perestroika and glasnost the poets started to look for freedom as individuals, having nothing or very little in common with the society. Over the last years a new kind of inner emigration has been evolving, combined with a tendency towards ostentatious indifference to ‘traditional’ values.
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