Theatre stratum in Turgenev’s Clara Milich


  • Галина Шелогурова Российский православный институт, Филологический факультет, 127473 Москва, Россия, Переулок Чернышевского, д. 11-а



theatre, drama, tragedy, mythos, the category of action


The article presents an attempt of interpretation of the last story by Turgenev from the point of view of theatre as a specific cultural and social phenomenon. This approach enables us 1) to distinguish between concepts of drama and tragedy as they are used in the text and metatext of the story; 2) to get out of the text’s boundaries and to involve biographical and historical contexts to the analysis.


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How to Cite

Шелогурова, Г. (2013). Theatre stratum in Turgenev’s Clara Milich. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Rossica, (6), 45–54.


