Die Stellung Österreichs und der Schweiz zur Schaffung des Europäischen Binnenmarktes eine Vergleichende Analyse
European Community, Austria, Switzerland, integrationAbstract
This article examines, in a comparative perspective, the integration policy of the two, in many respects, very similar, neutral states, with particular emphasis on the period after the signing of the Single European Act. Despite the converging political and economic objectives, the decisions of both countries were determined by different economic and political conditions. For Austria, the integration processes were perceived as an important step, towards reconstruction of the economy, the abolition of trade barriers with the most important economic partner. In political terms integration – enhanced Austria’s position within European Community. Unlike the Austrian Government, the authorities in Bern have acted under much more polarized conditions. Neutrality played still very important role in its international policies and the social fears connected mostly to the loss of political and economic independence were vivid. The Swiss authorities were thus forced to choose the bilateral path, which was not preferred by EU countries, but more socially acceptable, and therefore easier to implement.
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