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The journal does not charge for submission of the manuscript.
The journal does not charge for processing or publication of the manuscript.
Increasing the share of recognized foreign reviewers in the evaluation of the journal "International Studies. Interdisciplinary Political and Cultural Journal" financed through contract no. 665/P-DUN/2018 z dn. 30.10.2018 from the funds of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education devoted to the promotion of scholarship
International Studies. Interdisciplinary Political and Cultural Journal
ISSN: 1641-4233
e-ISSN: 2300-8695
Editor-in-Chief: Krystyna Kujawińska-Courtney
For all inquiries and submissions contact us at internationalstudies@uni.lodz.pl
Publisher: Lodz University Press
34A Jana Matejki St. postal code: 90-131, city: Łódź, Poland
Phone: +48 42 235 01 65, fax: +48 42 66 55 86
Publisher's office: journals@uni.lodz.pl
The electronic version of the journal is fully available on the website in Open Access: https://czasopisma.uni.lodz.pl/international/issue/archive
Paid subscription for print version only. For further information, please contact: ksiegarnia@uni.lodz.pl