Searching for Solid Ground in Polish-American Relations in the Second Year of the Trump Administration


  • Bohdan Szklarski University of Warsaw, American Studies Center
  • Piotr Ilowski Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Political Studies



policy style, uncertainty, risk management, continuity, bilateralism, special relations, alliance, Donald Trump


Since the beginning of the Trump Administration, analysts of American foreign policy have observed several changes in the style substance and style of Washington’s international behavior with regard to both foes and friends. President Trump in his rhetoric (including social media communication) and style represent a disturbing discontinuity, especially for allies that undermines the stability of American international commitments. American allies are forced to develop new strategies for managing this new risk in relations with Washington. This paper examines the tactics employed by the government in Warsaw in that regard.


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Author Biographies

Bohdan Szklarski, University of Warsaw, American Studies Center

Bohdan Szklarski - an Associate Professor of Political Science, Graduate of the English Institute, Warsaw University and the Department of Political Science, Northeastern University, Boston. In his almost 30 years of teaching he has taught at numerous American and Polish Universities. He served as a director of the American Studies Center, Warsaw University in years 2012–2016. Now he is a head of the Center for the Study of Leadership there. He also lectures at the Collegium Civitas a college of social sciences where for over 10 years he served as a Chair of the Department of Political Science. Prof. Szklarski’s research interests include: American Presidency, political leadership, American political culture and institutions, comparative politics, political communication and political anthropology. He frequently appears as a commentator on American and Polish political events in the media. Privately a happy family man and a golden retriever and NFL fan.

Piotr Ilowski, Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Political Studies

Piotr Ilowski - PhD student at the Institute of Political Studies at Polish Academy of Science (PAN), graduated from International Relations at Collegium Civitas. He is now studying American Studies at the University of Warsaw. He completed internship at the Center for Eastern Studies (OSW Poland). He wrote in, Centrum Schumpetera and in He was interested with the problems of the Middle East, the situation of Turkey and the relationship of the United States in this region. Currently, he deals with the problems of populism, their historical sources as well as the political, social and foreign policy of the United States.


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How to Cite

Szklarski, B., & Ilowski, P. (2019). Searching for Solid Ground in Polish-American Relations in the Second Year of the Trump Administration. International Studies. Interdisciplinary Political and Cultural Journal, 23(1), 65–82.

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