Bipolar Disorder in Statehood: is China “Dr. Jekyll” or “Mr. Hyde” or Both?


  • David A. Jones University of Warsaw, Institute of The Americas and Europe



China, South China Sea, United States, State Bi-polarity, TPP, TTIP


American and Chinese interests seem to be at one time in agreement and at another at loggerheads over issues that involve armed services, diplomacy, economics, human rights, intelligence, trade and culture. Part of what may appear to be a growing déracinement, or mutual disenchantment, arising from diverse viewpoints over infrastructure development globally but especially in sensitive developing areas such as the stand-off in the South China Sea and elsewhere along the Pacific coastline of Southeast Asia, and the Western Pacific Rim. China seems to be reconstructing its ancient feudal empire, actual or imaginary, in the territory to its South, the ASEAN bloc. This article will address some issues of compatibility and conflict that unite China but that sometimes divide it from the United States and the West, then assesses what alternative strategies should be adopted or abandoned in the interests of global and regional harmony coupled with security. It urges greater cooperation and collaboration, a development of a code of conduct for state behavior in the Indo-Asia-Pacific region, together with a concerted East–West effort to maintain a stable economy for China and a sustainable trade relationship between China, Europe, and North America.


Author Biography

David A. Jones, University of Warsaw, Institute of The Americas and Europe

David A. Jones, Prof. dr hab., is Professor of International Law, International Management, and Foreign Policy at the University of Warsaw’s Institute of The Americas and Europe, its Institute of International Relations of the Faculty of Political Science and International Studies, and its Faculty of Management. Over a decade he has served as senior graduate lecturer at Norwich University, the Military Academy of the State of Vermont. He is the author of the book, Four Eagles and a Dragon: Successes and Failures of Quixotic Encirclement Strategies in Foreign Policy, An Analysis. London and New Delhi: 2015, Bloomsbury, Plc. Professor Jones received his post-doctoral “Habilitacja” in political science from the University of Warsaw, Faculty of Political Science and International Studies.


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How to Cite

Jones, D. A. (2018). Bipolar Disorder in Statehood: is China “Dr. Jekyll” or “Mr. Hyde” or Both?. International Studies. Interdisciplinary Political and Cultural Journal, 22(1), 9–38.
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