The practical dimension of the caring role of the state – houses of daily stay


  • Dorota Michalak Uniwersytet Łódzki, Instytut Ekonomii, Katedra Ekonomii Rozwoju



social assistance, social care services


One of the forms of state aid to the elderly are the Department of Social Welfare, which provide services living, care, support and education. Those Department, which provide only daycare called Day Care Houses. The purpose of this article is to determine the need and extent of the availability of Day Care Homes, the degree of satisfaction of the needs and expectations of people attending to them and to present the principles of their financing. In order to do this simple-depth interview with an employee of the Social Welfare Centre in Lodz, employed as a Senior Inspector (Planning Department) and a survey of 96 residents of houses Day Centre in Lodz. As is clear from the survey conducted willing people do not have to wait long for the opportunity to use the Day Care Homes in Lodz. Research verifies the functionality of the described institution, which is in line with the law on social assistance and underlines the importance of institutions and helps older people in everyday life, prevents the feeling of uselessness and social exclusion.


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How to Cite

Michalak, D. (2019). The practical dimension of the caring role of the state – houses of daily stay. Gospodarka W Praktyce I Teorii, 50(1), 63–74.


