Development opportunities for circular economy in the textile and apparel industry
circular economy, textile industry, apparel industryAbstract
Circular economy is the answer to the inevitable need to reduce the impact on the environment. Closing production cycles means desisting from the current linear model, which delivers huge amounts of waste. The circular economy model is based not only on eco‑efficiency, but also on the right approach in product design and re‑use. The overriding objective of the circular economy is to minimize the amount of waste produced or to eliminate it completely. The textile and apparel industry is one of the most polluting industries in the world, generating waste mainly in the form of clothes. The problem of huge quantities of unused clothing is further compounded by the idea of fast fashion and excessive consumption. This article outlines the steps that should be taken to implement the basic assumptions of the circular economy in the textile and apparel industry, thus demonstrating the potential for this concept in the garment industry. The author also explains the basic guidelines of closed‑loop economy and points to the specific characteristics of the textile and apparel industry and its environmental impact.
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