Organisation of Social Welfare in Lodz
social assistance, social care servicesAbstract
One of the essential role of the state is social assistance, which is directed to the elderly, the physically and mentally disabled, orphans, families with many children and homeless. The scope of social assistance includes the provision of environmental and provide institutional form of stay in nursing homes, shelters or residential institutions.
The aim of the article is the description of the activities of social welfare in Lodz, the answer to the question, what is the organizational structure of the Social Welfare Centre, what are the sources of funding of social welfare and how many people benefit from the assistance offered by the city of Lodz. For this purpose, easy-depth interviews were conducted with employees of the Social Welfare Centre.
In Lodz, social assistance benefit more than 56 000 inhabitants, which represents almost 9% of total population of the city. Unfortunately, despite ever-improving and we match the needs of social assistance is still a need exceeds the resources available to the municipality.
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