Detection of diseases on example of participation in selected health programmes – spatial approach
health care, health care prophylaxis programmes, public health care management, spatial distributionAbstract
Health care prophylaxis as an element of health prevention has a major impact on health status of individual unit and consequently on society. In Poland there are significant disparities in health status and quality of life appearing in each region. The main problem in this field is the shortage of the appropriate financial support for combating these disparities, as well as insufficient action of some regions in terms of the promotion of healthy behavior, resulting in, eg. by the lack of suitable mechanisms required for their implementation. The result of the analyses should indicate the similarities and differences that exist in Polish voivodships. These result are from the defining common features in relation to ongoing programmes of health care prevention, detection by their specific disorders, as well as appearing opportunities for further treatment of selected diseases. The study included preventive health programmes implemented at the macro level, although most attention was paid to the Lodz province, due to its unfavourable epidemiological and demographics environment – analysis for the Lodz voivodships will be carried out at the NUTS–4 level. In addition, the article focuses on estimating an unit costs measurement of health programmes implemented in the Lodz region (financed by the Provincial Government of Lodz), in terms of per capita, as well as, in incremental values – in this way was possible to identify health programmes that have proved to be the most expensive, as well as identify those that manifested the greatest savings, contributing to the relatively high level of health effects.
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