Interregional Differences in the Level of Food Consumption


  • Edyta Łaszkiewicz University of Lodz, Department of Spatial Econometrics



food consumption, consumption behaviours, households, spatial heterogeneity, spatial analysis


The aim of this research is to analyze the interregional differences in the food consumption in households. In the first part of research an author concentrates on the identification of groups of voivodships which are similar in the consumption structure, while in the second one the attempt to explain the regional differences by contextual variables was presented. The individual data from Polish Households Survey for 2011 were taken in the research. The statistical significant differences in the food products consumption were found at the regional level. It was impossible to explain such inequalities only by individuals’ characteristics and contextual variables. This might suggests the role of other factors, like regional differences in consumption habits, which are connected with the region-specific traditions.


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How to Cite

Łaszkiewicz, E. (2017). Interregional Differences in the Level of Food Consumption. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Oeconomica, 4(324), [33]-50.



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