The Slovenian planning system 30 years later: Lessons learnt and lessons not learnt




spatial planning system, planning law, Europeanisation, Slovenia, territorial governance


After gaining independence, countries such as Slovenia put a lot of effort into adapting their legislations to new market conditions. While concentrating on legislation, they often dismissed several other factors which influence policy and decision making. Among them, a particularly important role is played by the Europeanisation of planning, and the turn towards a higher flexibility of processes and land uses as opposed to the predetermination via zoning. While shedding light on these issues, this paper reflects on the incremental evolution of the Slovenian spatial planning system from the approval of the first Spatial Planning Act in 2003 towards a territorial governance approach characterised by a mix of regulatory processes and plans.


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How to Cite

Marot, N. (2021). The Slovenian planning system 30 years later: Lessons learnt and lessons not learnt. European Spatial Research and Policy, 28(2), 63–81.


