Early writings on the Holocaust: French-Polish transnational circulations
historiography, Holocaust Remembrance, France, Poland, Jewish History, aftermath of Second World WarAbstract
This article analyses the differences and similarities between documentation centres active in the aftermath of the Holocaust both in France and in Poland. While in Poland the task was from 1945 assigned to the Central Jewish Historical Commission, in France, the Center of Contemporary Jewish Documentation quickly overtook the lead on other minor centres established by Communist Jews or Bundists. The paper focuses on the links between those institutions, through contacts between members, exchanges of documentation, and parallel publications and exhibits. It shows that despite quite different political conditions, men and women working in these institutions shared a similar vision of transmission of history and memory of the Holocaust. They managed to implement their vision pa 19.03.2019 rtly thanks to their transnational links that helped transcend political and material difficulties.
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