Opportunities and Challenges of Urban Agriculture for Sustainable City Development


  • Erwin Van Tuijl HafenCity University Hamburg, Department of Urban and Regional Economics, Überseeallee 16, 20457 Hamburg (Germany) & KU Leuven, Division of Geography and Tourism (Belgium)
  • Gert-Jan Hospers Radboud University, Institute for Management Research & University of Twente, Faculty of Business, Management and Social Sciences, Radboud University, Comeniuslaan 4, 6525 HP Nijmegen, The Netherlands
  • Leo Van Den Berg EURICUR & Erasmus University Rotterdam, P.O. Box 1738 3000 DR Rotterdam, The Netherlands




urban agriculture, sustainability, cities, case examples


Urban Agriculture (UA) has gained popularity in cities all over the world. In this paper, we explore the concept of UA and discuss it along various locational and strategic dimensions. The article aims to provide insights into the chances and challenges of UA for sustainable city development. By making use of case examples from cities worldwide we show that UA can contribute to the social, environmental, and economics pillars of sustainable city development. However, there are limitations which should be taken into account for cities that want to invest in urban agriculture.


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How to Cite

Van Tuijl, E., Hospers, G.-J., & Van Den Berg, L. (2018). Opportunities and Challenges of Urban Agriculture for Sustainable City Development. European Spatial Research and Policy, 25(2), 5–22. https://doi.org/10.18778/1231-1952.25.2.01




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