Onomastic and parody in the "Crepúsculon" cartoon saga





onomastics, parody, Spanish comics, linguistics, rhetorical tropes


The myth of the vampire inspired many literary and audio-visual creations. Some of them tried to seduce a young audience. This is the case of the Twilight saga films (adaptation of the Stephenie Meyer novels), that the four Spanish comics of the cycle Crepúsculon want to parody. We will study Crepúsculon adopting an exclusively linguistic approach and more precisely, in this article, an onomastic approach, through rhetorical tropes.


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How to Cite

Fournet-Pérot, S. (2020). Onomastic and parody in the "Crepúsculon" cartoon saga. E-Scripta Romanica, 8, 63–73. https://doi.org/10.18778/2392-0718.08.05


