Term or discursive formula? Thoughts on the use of the word migrant in specialised and media discourse





migrant, term, discursive formula, specialised discourse, media discourse


This article proposes to analyse the use of the word migrant in specialised and media discourse. Since the 2015 migration crisis, the word migrant has been used and recontextualised in various types of discourse. Its use gives rise to two analytical approaches : a terminological approach in the case of specialised discourse and a discourse analysis approach (with the notion of "formula") in the case of media discourse. These two points of view allow us to grasp the subtleties of the notion of migrant as it is used in discourse to describe contemporary reality.


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How to Cite

Kovács, M. (2020). Term or discursive formula? Thoughts on the use of the word migrant in specialised and media discourse. E-Scripta Romanica, 8, 107–115. https://doi.org/10.18778/2392-0718.08.08


