Feminization of administrative texts: case of Algeria


  • Martin Pleško Université Palacký à Olomouc, République tchèque
  • Jan Holeš Université d’Ostrava, République tchèque




Algeria, feminization, forms, administrative language, French, religion


The article deals with the feminization of French administrative texts in Algeria on the basis of an analysis of official forms issued by various Algerian public authorities. A general introduction dealing with the linguistic situation and the linguistic feminization in Algeria is followed by the explication of the used methodology. Results are resumed, commented and quantified according to various processes applied (or not applied) to make the women visible in this type of texts.


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How to Cite

Pleško, M., & Holeš, J. (2017). Feminization of administrative texts: case of Algeria. E-Scripta Romanica, 4, 93–101. https://doi.org/10.18778/2392-0718.04.08


