Je devenais une goutte d’eau, une tache d’encre. On the fiction of Maurice Blanchot




Maurice Blanchot, Philippe Hamon, Descriptif, phenomenology, still life


Based on the analysis contained in the work of Philippe Hamon Rencontres sur tables et choses qui traînent. De la nature morte en littérature, this paper aims to develop some considerations on Maurice Blanchot’s fiction. In particular, our observations have as their field of study some passages from three works: Aminadab, La folie du jour and Le Très-Haut. In this way we can elaborate an interpretation of Blanchot’s récits in which the figure of the still life plays an absolutely essential and decisive role. Our analysis will focus on the way in which the notion of still life is transformed into a hermeneutic notion within which numerous specific and recurring elements of Blanchot’s narrative universes find a precise functional collocation and a clear conceptual delineation. Secondly, the correspondences between the French narrator and the theorist of descriptif will allow us to highlight in the conclusions a rich complex of themes and issues that not only deeply furrow the blanchotian narrative, but can also be found among numerous authors of French literature of the late twentieth century.


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How to Cite

Crivella, G. (2022). Je devenais une goutte d’eau, une tache d’encre. On the fiction of Maurice Blanchot. E-Scripta Romanica, 10, 79–95.


