Four-Valued Logics BD and DM4: Expansions


  • Alexander S. Karpenko Russian Academy of Sciences, Department of Logic, Institute of Philosophy



Belnap’s four-valued logic, expansions and functional properties, lattices


The paper discusses functional properties of some four-valued logics which are the expansions of four-valued Belnap’s logic DM4. At first, we consider the logics with two designated values, and then logics defined by matrices having the same underlying algebra, but with a different choice of designated values, i.e. with one designated value. In the preceding literature both approaches were developed independently. Moreover, we present the lattices of the functional expansions of DM4.


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How to Cite

Karpenko, A. S. (2017). Four-Valued Logics BD and DM4: Expansions. Bulletin of the Section of Logic, 46(1/2), 33–45.



Research Article