On Combining Intuitionistic and S4 Modal Logic





combination of logics, intuitionistic logic, modal logic, cut elimination


We address the problem of combining intuitionistic and S4 modal logic in a non-collapsing way inspired by the recent works in combining intuitionistic and classical logic. The combined language includes the shared constructors of both logics namely conjunction, disjunction and falsum as well as the intuitionistic implication, the classical implication and the necessity modality. We present a Gentzen calculus for the combined logic defined over a Gentzen calculus for the host S4 modal logic. The semantics is provided by Kripke structures. The calculus is proved to be sound and complete with respect to this semantics. We also show that the combined logic is a conservative extension of each component. Finally we establish that the Gentzen calculus for the combined logic enjoys cut elimination.


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How to Cite

Rasga, J., & Sernadas, C. (2024). On Combining Intuitionistic and S4 Modal Logic. Bulletin of the Section of Logic, 53(3), 321–344. https://doi.org/10.18778/0138-0680.2024.11


