A Category of Ordered Algebras Equivalent to the Category of Multialgebras
multialgebras, ordered algebras, non-deterministic semanticsAbstract
It is well known that there is a correspondence between sets and complete, atomic Boolean algebras (\(\textit{CABA}\)s) taking a set to its power-set and, conversely, a complete, atomic Boolean algebra to its set of atomic elements. Of course, such a correspondence induces an equivalence between the opposite category of \(\textbf{Set}\) and the category of \(\textit{CABA}\)s.
We modify this result by taking multialgebras over a signature \(\Sigma\), specifically those whose non-deterministic operations cannot return the empty-set, to \(\textit{CABA}\)s with their zero element removed (which we call a \(\textit{bottomless Boolean algebra}\)) equipped with a structure of \(\Sigma\)-algebra compatible with its order (that we call \(\textit{ord-algebras}\)). Conversely, an ord-algebra over \(\Sigma\) is taken to its set of atomic elements equipped with a structure of multialgebra over \(\Sigma\). This leads to an equivalence between the category of \(\Sigma\)-multialgebras and the category of ord-algebras over \(\Sigma\).
The intuition, here, is that if one wishes to do so, non-determinism may be replaced by a sufficiently rich ordering of the underlying structures.
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United States-Israel Binational Science Foundation
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