Occurrence Frequency of Posterior Zygomatic Fissure in Polish Excavation Populations Against the Comparative Background
The work refers to the occurrence frequency of the posterior zygomatic fissure (Fig. 1) in 610 crania of 4 Polish populations and 6 non-Polish ones (Table 1). Only crania of adult individuals were taken into consideration. For each series the occurrence frequency of the fissure was calculated on each side and on both sides of the cranium for each sex separately and for both sexes together.
The accepted limit size of the fissure was its length equal to 2 mm. The results are presented in tables 2-4 and in figures 2-5. It was found that the posterior zygomatic fissure occurs more frequently in female crania and it showsa tendency to asymmetry. In Slavonic populations it occurs significantly less frequently than in the yellow and ycllowwhite populations.
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