Intricacies of modern consumption: Consumerism vs. deconsumption
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consumerism, consumption styles, deconsumption, anti-consumption, sustainable consumptionAbstrakt
The subject of considerations in the paper is a reflection on modern consumption. The author, in search of an answer to the question what main orientations determine consumer behaviour in the market, formulates the hypothesis that deconsumption may become a permanent trend in the development of modern consumption. In order to verify this hypothesis, consumerism along with its main styles and deconsumption as a response to excessive consumption are analysed. The author presents forms of deconsumption, i.e. sustainable consumption, green consumerism, ethical consumption, anti-consumption and consumer movements promoting such forms of consumption. In the conclusions, he points to the development potential of deconsumption manifested in a growing number of consumers who are changing their consumption habits into more socially and environmentally friendly ones.
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