Causality and inference in economics: An unended quest


  • Mariusz Maziarz Wrocław University of Economics, Faculty of Economic Sciences


Słowa kluczowe:

causation, the philosophy of economics, recent research, causation in economics


The aim of this article is to point to the unsolved research problems connected to causation in the philosophy of economics. First, the paper defines causation and discusses two notable approaches, i.e. the realist theory of causation and the instrumentalist theory of causation. Second, it offers a review the current research activity focusing on the problem of causation in economics. Third, it discusses several case studies. On the grounds of comparison of the research practice of economists and the current issues undertaken by the philosophers of economics, the paper concludes that there is a gap between the research practice and the normative methodological analyses and indicate the research questions that need to be addressed.


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Jak cytować

Maziarz, M. (2019). Causality and inference in economics: An unended quest. Annales. Etyka W Życiu Gospodarczym, 20(5), 67–81.


