Etyka zawodu inżyniera w świetle wybranych kodeksów



Słowa kluczowe:

engineering ethics, business ethics, teaching ethics, code of professional ethics


The paper attempts to analyse the ethical duties of engineers contained in selected engineering codes of ethics and indicates a few problems arising in teaching professional engineering ethics in technical studies. The codes of ethics under analysis, both Polish and foreign (American), show similarities and differences. The author indicates the likely causes of these similarities and differences and suggests the need for further research on the development of ethical standards as well as their implementation, application and enforcement. The author discusses teaching ethics based on his own experience and compares a few American textbooks used for engineering ethics teaching. The author indicates a lack of necessary teaching materials in Polish and the existence of no Polish forum for discussing ethical problems of engineering in Poland both in the areas of teaching and research.


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Jak cytować

Wajszczyk, P. (2013). Etyka zawodu inżyniera w świetle wybranych kodeksów. Annales. Etyka W Życiu Gospodarczym, 16, 241–258.


