The evolution of work arrangements, changes on the job market and the tasks of psychologists


  • Mateusz Hauk Wyższa Szkoła Humanistyczno-Ekonomiczna w Łodzi image/svg+xml



alternative work arrangements, work changes, evolution of work arrangements, emerging adulthood, career indecisivness, knowledge management, cultural intelligence, psychological contracts in organizations, telework, flexibility, career counseling


The aim of this article is to describe the changes on the job market that have been taking place recently (especially the increasing number and growth of popularity of alternative work arrangements, such as: part time employment, contingent employment, flextime, compressed work weeks and teleworking), and their consequences. Working with nonstandard work arrangements have a great impact on employees (e.g. increasing flexibility connected with work-family interference, workaholism, problems with creating self-concept in the field of work) and employers as well (work decentralization, the growth of popularity of team working, the need to manage the information, the diversity in the organization etc.). In the result there is a strong need to verify and extend the tasks of industrial and organizational psychology and the practice of applied psychologists. This article outlines new demands from the job market and new tasks for the work psychologists.


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How to Cite

Hauk, M. (2010). The evolution of work arrangements, changes on the job market and the tasks of psychologists. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Psychologica, (14), 81–96.


