From individualization to sexuality mediated by technology


  • Katarzyna Mańkowska Academia Rerum Socialium Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu, Interdyscyplinarna Szkoła Doktorska Nauk Społecznych



sociology od sexuality, individualisation od life, modern technologies, digitization od society


Sexual practices, ways of their implementation and the role they played in the formation of interpersonal relationships has been changing over the years. Nowadays, popular culture (and with it the progressive individualization) has a significant influence of the shape of the sexual life of people. A significant role may also play the development of consument culture, ubiquacious commodification, hedonization of society, striving to maximize experiences, digitization and flourishing the simulation that surrounds us everywhere. These factors become the driving force for the transformation of social life in almost every aspect of it. In addition, we can observe the intensive development of new technologies. Modern products meet the changing needs and limitations of modern life, also in the sphere of sexual practices. They find their place not only in the erotic life of couples, but also in the individual life of individuals. The fulfillment of sexual needs, which for centuries has been associated with the interaction with another human being, thus begins to be an element of self-fulfillment of the individual in which the role of another human being is replaced technology. It is worth to ask what will be the role of these factors in changing sexual life of people.


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How to Cite

Mańkowska, K. (2019). From individualization to sexuality mediated by technology. Władza Sądzenia, (17), 54–71.


