New Iron Curtain or New Middle Ages? Anti-abortion, anti-gender, anti-LGBT+ movement in Poland and other CEE countries


  • Iza Desperak Uniwersytet Łódzki, Wydział Ekonomiczno-Socjologiczny, Instytut Socjologii, Katedra Socjologii Polityki i Moralności



Central and Eastern Europe, anti-abortion, anti-gender, state homofobia, actors


Paper focuses on new division of Europe, based on objection against gender equality, LBGT+ issues, and reproductive and sexual rights. The analysis focuses on three main dimensions of transformation concerning sexuality and intimacy in Central and Eastern Europe. The first one is based on anti-abortion movements and anti-abortion policies, like near-ban on abortion in Poland, no-abortion zones or weeks in Belarussian or Russian regions, versus liberalization of abortion law in Romania. The second dimension of analysis is anti-gender movement. Another phenomenon studied here focuses on LGBT+ issues and official homophobia, resulting in discriminatory policies, as so called “anti-gay-propaganda” law, part of anti-gay-Europe politics. Also, the role of hidden actors of both new policies and propaganda is to be analysed, as those actors play in all three areas.


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How to Cite

Desperak, I. (2019). New Iron Curtain or New Middle Ages? Anti-abortion, anti-gender, anti-LGBT+ movement in Poland and other CEE countries. Władza Sądzenia, (17), 20–35.


