The Political Mobilization of African American Churches: Forms, Models, Mechanisms




The Black Church, African American churches, political mobilization, religion and politics, 'political church', ethnic churches


African American churches are famous for their political involvement and advocacy efforts on behalf of their own ethnic group. However, while some of them have been heavily involved in various forms of political activity, others have avoided it, focusing mainly on matters of the spirit. In this article, I will present the origins and various forms of Black churches’ political engagement, but foremost I will analyze the debate concerning the mechanisms of their political mobilization, trying to answer the question regarding the key factors, which according to researchers, influence churches’ activism. Different research perspectives will be considered, and special attention will be paid to the comprehensive model by Eric L. McDaniel.

Author Biography

Paulina Napierała, Jagiellonian University

Paulina Napierała (Ph.D., Jagiellonian University) – political scientist, Assistant Professor at the Institute of American Studies and Polish Diaspora, Jagiellonian University. Her research explores the intersection of religion and politics in the USA. Currently, she is focusing on the sociopolitical role of the Black Church. She was a grantee of the Kosciuszko Foundation (2015, 2022), the Fulbright Commission (2007–2008) and the National Science Center Poland (NCN 2019), which allowed her to conduct research and consultations at Boston College, Harvard University, City University of New York and Valdosta State University.


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How to Cite

Napierała, P. (2023). The Political Mobilization of African American Churches: Forms, Models, Mechanisms. Władza Sądzenia, (24), 5–33.


