Breaking the Promise of Perfection: Imperfect Utopias in Marge Piercy’s Woman on the Edge of Time


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utopia, science fiction, perfection, technology, hope


In an era still plagued by popularized skepticism toward utopian thought, Marge Piercy’s 1976 novel Woman on the Edge of Time remains a compelling exploration of potential futures. This essay juxtaposes anti-utopian critiques of perfection, violence, and instrumental rationalism with Piercy’s portrayal of both utopian and dystopian worlds. By examining these critiques alongside the novel, this essay argues for a reinterpretation of utopia beyond the assumptions of promised perfection. Rather, this essay embraces the flawed nature of the human condition and claims imperfection as a central feature of utopia itself.


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Author Biography

Elise Poll, Arizona State University

Elise Poll is earning her PhD in English literature at Arizona State University. She is a junior scholar at the International Institute for Hermeneutics and the Assistant to the current editor at Analecta Hermeneutica.


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2024-11-28 — Updated on 2025-01-02


How to Cite

Poll, E. (2025). Breaking the Promise of Perfection: Imperfect Utopias in Marge Piercy’s Woman on the Edge of Time. Text Matters: A Journal of Literature, Theory and Culture, (14), 217–231. (Original work published November 28, 2024)