Montage as a Plot-Forming Method in Vadim Levanov’s Dramaturgy


  • Tatiana Zhurcheva Samarskii natsionalnyi issledovatelskii universitet im. akademika S. P. Koroleva, Sotsialno-gumanitarnyi instytut, Fakultet filologii i zhurnalistiki, Kafedra russkoi i zarubezhnoi literatury i sviazei s obshchestvennostiu, 443086 Samara, Moskovskoe shosse, 34



montage, plot, composition, modern drama, Vadim Levanov


The article is devoted to the issue of montage as a plot-forming technique actively used in modern drama. The possibilities of montage are considered on the basis of the last plays by Vadim Levanov. Levanov is one of the most famous representatives of the modern Russian drama of the turn of the 21st century, and his work reflected all the variety of ideological and artistic explorations in contemporary drama. The dramatic diptych The Life of the Holy Blessed Xenia of St. Petersburg and The Most Possibly Authentic and Plausible Biography of the Bloody Lady Darya Saltykova, a Moscow Hereditary Noblewoman as well as A Play about Cows undoubtedly were Levanov’s programmatic works which reflected his philosophical queries. The article shows how the use of the montage technique allowed the playwright to express his attitude towards the eternal opposition of good and evil.


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Author Biography

Tatiana Zhurcheva, Samarskii natsionalnyi issledovatelskii universitet im. akademika S. P. Koroleva, Sotsialno-gumanitarnyi instytut, Fakultet filologii i zhurnalistiki, Kafedra russkoi i zarubezhnoi literatury i sviazei s obshchestvennostiu, 443086 Samara, Moskovskoe shosse, 34

Doktor nauk humanistycznych, docent w Katedrze literatury rosyjskiej i zagranicznej i związków ze społeczeństwem w Instytucie Społeczno-Humanistycznym (Samarski Narodowy Uniwersytet Badawczy im. S. Korolowa, Wydział Filologii i Dziennikarstwa). Zainteresowania naukowe: dramaturgia rosyjska XX–XXI w. Wybrane publikacje: Трагикомическое в драматургии Александра Вампилова, [w:] Современная русская и украинская драма в поле интермедиальных стратегий: коллективная монография, red. N. Maliutinа, A. Lis-Czapigа, Rzeszów 2016, s. 183–198; «Аз есмь…»: проблема самопознания и самоидентификации личности в драматургии Вадима Леванова, [w:] Самосознание и идентичность. Русская литература XVIII–XXI вв., red. A. Graf, Мünchen 2018, s. 225–234; Иронические фантазии Вадима Леванова на темы отечественной истории («Славянский базар», «Основание», «Сказка про тайного советника Василия Никитича Татищева, персидскую княжну и клад Стеньки Разина»), „Филология и культура. Philology and culture” 2018, nr 3 (53), s. 156–161.


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How to Cite

Zhurcheva, T. (2019). Montage as a Plot-Forming Method in Vadim Levanov’s Dramaturgy. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Rossica, (12), 151–160.


