Book reviews


  • Małgorzata Rączkiewicz University of Lodz, Faculty of International and Political Studies
  • Michał Pierzgalski University of Lodz, Faculty of International and Political Studies



Z. Brzezinski, B. Scowcroft, America and the World: Conversations on the Future of American Foreign Policy, Basic Books, New York 2008

Jeff Gill, Essential Mathematics for Political and Social Research, Cambridge University Press, New York 2006, pp. 448.



Brak dostępnych danych do wyświetlenia.

Biogramy autorów

Małgorzata Rączkiewicz - University of Lodz, Faculty of International and Political Studies

Rączkiewicz Małgorzata, PhD, Faculty of International and Political Studies, University of Łódź. She specializes in geopolitics and American- Russian relations. She authored, among others (in Polish): Greece In American Foreign Policy 1944–1967 (2008); American Foreign Policy during G. Bush Presidency (2010); and edited Russia in the 21st century (2007); Russia and the USA: Cooperation and Confrontation in the 21st Century (2009); Russia, USA and Selected Problems in International Relations (2009).


Michał Pierzgalski - University of Lodz, Faculty of International and Political Studies

Pierzgalski Michał, M.A., is a PhD student at the Faculty of International and Political Studies, University of Łódź. His principal research interests focus on a variety of topics related to electoral systems, democracy and to the application of quantitative methods in comparative political studies. He has published, inter alia, in Studia Wyborcze.




Jak cytować

Rączkiewicz, M., & Pierzgalski, M. (2011). Book reviews. International Studies. Interdisciplinary Political and Cultural Journal, 13(1), 81–85.