Discourse on the Multicultural Policy in Sweden in Light of the Charlie Hebdo Terrorist Attack


  • Anna Kobierecka Uniwersity of Łódź, Faculty of International and Political Studies, Chair of Theory of Foreign Policy and Security, ul. Składowa 43, 90–127 Łódź




multiculturalism, multicultural policy, Sweden, immigration, immigration policy, integration policy


Multicultural policy has recently been undergoing a marked crisis and is subject to wide criticism. In the light of recent terrorist attacks it is often highlighted that the reason for such situations might be too much openness towards foreigners. Most European countries are changing their immigration and integration policies limiting their social security and restricting the possibilities of an influx of immigrants. Sweden, which is perceived as one of the most open and tolerant states in Europe also faces new challenges concerning the future of its multicultural policy. The crisis in tolerance towards foreigners is quite visible and it is obvious that the social moods in this state are evolving. Therefore, the aim of the article is to analyze changes in the attitude towards Swedish immigration and its integration policy in the light of the attack on the Charlie Hebdo weekly offices.


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Author Biography

Anna Kobierecka, Uniwersity of Łódź, Faculty of International and Political Studies, Chair of Theory of Foreign Policy and Security, ul. Składowa 43, 90–127 Łódź

Ph.D., Department of Theory of Foreign and Security Policy, Faculty of International and Political Studies, University of Łódź (Poland). In her research she focuses on Scandinavian issues. In her recent publications, Swedish migration and integration policy has been analysed as well as undergoing changes within these policies, deriving from constantly changing international situation. Currently, she is conducting research concerning nation branding in the globalised world, its influence on international positioning of states and possibilities of its influencing world politics, with special consideration for the Swedish example.


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How to Cite

Kobierecka, A. (2017). Discourse on the Multicultural Policy in Sweden in Light of the Charlie Hebdo Terrorist Attack. International Studies. Interdisciplinary Political and Cultural Journal, 20(1), 47–62. https://doi.org/10.1515/ipcj-2017-0016

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