Polish-Romanian Cooperation in Nicolae Iorga’s Political and Adacemic Work
Nicolae Iorga, Romania, Poland, scientific collaborationAbstract
Nicolae Iorga is a person of much significance in the history and culture of Romania. He very often spoke about Polish matters in a broad sense pertaining both to academic and political issues. Nicolae Iorga’s involvement with Poland is noticeable almost constantly during his scientific and political career. From the time of primary school to his tragic death, Poland and its affairs were present in his activities also through the influence of his teachers, professors or later political partners,. Thanks to his historical education, Iorga saw Poland as an important partner of Romania on the international stage; moreover, as a guarantee of political security; but also an important partner in the context of cultural development. The initiator of the Romanian language and culture courses at the Jagiellonian University, Nicolae Iorga was given a honorary doctorate by Wilno University in 1931 for his important role in strengthening relations between Poland and Romania.
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