Metoda korelacji w myśli filozoficznej Paula Tillicha


  • Maciej Bogdalczyk Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie image/svg+xml



The purpose of this text is to reconstruct Paul Tillich’s thought concerning the contemporary issue resulting from the relation between theology and philosophy. The questions to be stated are: Is it possible to establish conditions for theology and philosophy to coexist? If so, where is their source?
I am going to show the relation between philosophy and theology in the context of a seeking existence that happens to be a human being, with regards to God who answers human questions. In this paper I will try to present Tillich’s thought based on the hermeneutical way of understanding the symbol, which would make the Revelation being more available and comprehensible for humans. This would result as well in better and more aware understanding of what a human being really is.


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Jak cytować

Bogdalczyk, M. (2012). Metoda korelacji w myśli filozoficznej Paula Tillicha. Hybris, 18(3), 35–50.


